Emmy Winner Marc Anthony Nicolas On His Career Producing ‘The Talk’

One thing that talk shows “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” “The Tyra Banks Show,” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” all have in common is producer Marc Anthony Nicolas. On top of that, he is supervising producer of “The Talk” on CBS.

One thing that talk shows “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” “The Tyra Banks Show,” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” all have in common is producer Marc Anthony Nicolas. On top of that, he is supervising producer of “The Talk” on CBS.

But before his 15-year career led him to win two Emmys, let us take a look at how he got there.

Marc Anthony Nicolas

Marc comes from humble beginnings. Born and raised in the Philippines, he tells us how his mother was a bank teller and his dad was a truck driver. TV has always been a part of his life. From as young as seven years old, he adored watching it. However, it wasn’t just the stories he adored; it was the dialogue, the set, and the lighting. All the elements that go into making a show what it is.

Before he got into the world of producing, he explains how “I didn’t know what a producer was, but I knew I wanted to work in television. I remember asking my mom at the end of a television show, ‘Why are there names after the show?’ She replied, ‘Those are the people that helped create the show’”. He told himself that one day in the future, it would be his name that would appear at the end of the show credits.

Marc explains how “I still get flashbacks of that moment with my mom whenever I see my name at the end credits of TV shows I produced.”

With his goal set, Marc went on a mission as he sent his resume to countless television shows, networks, and cable stations. Despite a few rejections along the way, this didn’t stop him from continuing his search. He made sure to consistently reminded himself that rejection is a redirection.

He outlines, “The timing wasn’t right. One day, I was working at a restaurant as a server, and one of my coworkers said that she was quitting to work on a TV show. I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, I’d love to work on TV; please think of me if there is a PA position opening.’ Then, only two weeks later, he got a call from her, and he was hired as a PA. From then on, his work ethic was clearly noticed, leading him to be hired as a producer for many other popular TV shows. 

Over a decade ago, Marc’s mother passed away, changing his life forever. This mourning period led him to reflect on how important living in the now is and to really go after your dreams.

Marc Anthony Nicolas

We asked Marc if he could offer any advice to budding producers looking at getting into the industry. His answer was simple: use your voice. He continued, “If there is something you want, speak it into existence. Tell people your dreams. Share what you want in life. No one knows what your dreams are if you remain mute. Once you do that, you’ll create a tribe of people who will help you along the way. If I didn’t tell my coworker at the restaurant to think of me if there was a PA position open, how would she know? If you want it, say it, and everything will fall into place.”

On the horizon for Marc, his talk show, which got the green light recently, “The On Your Marc Show”. The show will be premiering on the Lifestyle network. From his early life in the Philippines to the US, Marc’s career has seen him interview celebrities such as Sharon Osbourne, Olivia Newton-John, Vivica Fox, Lance Bass, and many more.

Watch this space.

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