The Grossman Group Launches New eBook to Help Leaders and Communicators Transform Their Town Hall Meetings and Engage Their Workforce

How to transform your company town halls into “must-attend” events that engage, inform and inspire employees.

With the “Great Resignation” showing no signs of slowing down and employee engagement at a record low of 32 percent1, companies across all industries are facing a critical inflection point: adapt to employees’ evolving needs, or watch them walk out the door to their next opportunity. Now more than ever, employees want to feel personally connected to their leaders, the company vision and values and just what the organization stands for.

Employee town hall meetings have long been a mainstay for companies, serving as a critical platform to foster that meaningful connection employees seek. In the best cases, these meetings are interactive and inspiring, however for many employees today, they are still seen as a chore. In an eBook released this month, Chicago-based leadership and communications consultancy – The Grossman Group – unpacks the need for meaningful change to town hall meetings.

The eBook, 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Town Hall and Unleash the Power of your Hybrid Teams, illustrates how, with careful planning and thoughtful execution, town hall meetings can enhance engagement, build trust in leadership and create a sense of belonging among employees.

“As we enter a ‘new reality’ in a post-pandemic world, there is a critical opportunity for leaders and communications professionals to deliver far more informative, interactive and meaningful town halls that will engage their workforce,” said David Grossman, founder and CEO of The Grossman Group. “Whether you have a fully in-person, hybrid or remote workforce, this eBook includes actionable takeaways to revitalize your internal communications efforts and town hall meetings specifically.”

The new eBook offers communications leaders a roadmap for revamping their town halls to inform, engage and inspire their employees, including:

  • The current landscape for town halls
  • How town halls can aid with employee engagement, trust and fostering a sense of belonging
  • New data on employee engagement and trust levels today, and why it matters more than ever
  • The key questions all employees have, and employers must address
  • Practical tips to transform your town hall, based on industry best practice and best-in-class client experiences – from leveraging technology to helping leaders be transparent and demonstrate vulnerability to planning communications touch points between meetings

Download a free copy of the eBook here.

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